Transforming Lives of Children and Women
Transforming Lives of Children and Women
Transforming Lives of Children and Women

How you can be involved:

Sponsor a child

You could become a Marenn or Parenn for one of many children we have waiting for sponsors as the name suggest; only the rare individual steps up to this level of support. While the yearly cost is only $300, we ask for a minimum two-year commitment. We pride ourselves on never dropping a child from the program.

a meal a day program

Consider helping to ensure that the children and families in Petite Place Cazeau have at least one healthy meal a day.

support medical outreach

Without help from volunteers both local and overseas, this program would not be successful. Consider giving your time as a gift.

contribute to medical needs

Donations of equipment, medication, water filters will make a tremendous difference in the lives of the community we serve.

In-kind assistance

Help individuals and local institutions meet the immediate, fundamental needs for food, housing, clothing, and healthcare.

be an ambassador

Be a part of helping more children by sharing the life-changing work of child sponsorship with others. As an Ambassador, you will host events to help fund our mission. Galas, Fundraising, and Presentations on behalf of Marenn-Parenn. It is a blessed opportunity. Please email us about your intention to be an ambassador.

volunteer with marenn parenn

The benefits can be even more significant for you, the volunteer, as your helping hands assist the people and communities in need.

support construction projects

Your support is the foundation needed to build hope for those in need of shelter, whether it be hands-on or monetarily.

mentoring teens & young adults

Sometimes a little direction can make a world of difference to those without a foothold on what path their young life should take.

help provide clean water

We can't live without it. Please help us supply this precious resource to the people in Petite Place Cazeau.

Your Reliable Partner for Transformation of Lives in Haiti

Get Involved

Please take a moment to let us know how you would like to get involved with Marenn-Parenn Pou Haiti.